Honeywell Summer Visual Art Camps are led by professional artists and educators, and offer a fun learning experience exploring various art forms and techniques.
Financial assistance is available. Applications and details will be available soon.
Grades K-1
Three options for this one-week camp:
June 2-6 with Danielle Winger
June 9-13 with Jackie Carpenter
June 16-20 with Jackie Carpenter
9am-12 pm at the Honeywell Center
Before April 8 - $85​
April 8-May 23 - $110​
Grades 2-4
Instructor: Katy Gray
Two options for this one-week camp:
June 2-6 or June 9-13
9am-12 pm at the Honeywell Center
Before April 8 - $85​
April 8-May 23 - $110​
Grades 5-8
Instructor: Nora Majors
Two options for this one-week camp:
June 2-6 or June 9-13
9am-12 pm at the Honeywell Center
Before April 8 - $85​
April 8-May 23 - $110​
Grades 9-12
Instructor: Danielle Winger
June 16-20
9am-12 pm at the Honeywell Center
Before April 8 - $85​
April 8-May 23 - $110​