Honeywell Spirit Week April 17-21
A celebration of Honeywell youth art offerings
Visual Thinking Strategies
A prime example of Arts in Education is Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). VTS is a nationally recognized program that uses visual images and facilitated, student-centered discussions to practice the art of drawing inferences and supporting them with evidence.
Third grade teacher Mrs. Roller watched a student bloom through VTS. The student struggled with participation and wasn’t putting in effort. Since the installment of VTS, the student improved and provides the best writing efforts in correlation to the program lessons. Roller states, “Engagement during VTS is strong, and the children look forward to these lessons.”
Honeywell Spirit Week is a celebration of students who receive opportunities through our Arts In Education offerings. These programs provide nearly 49,000 arts-infused learning opportunities for students in 80 schools in 14 counties across Northeast Indiana.
The collection of curriculum-based programs are created for educators to reap developmental benefits in the classroom. Programs are offered at little or no cost to the schools, allowing all students to participate regardless of socioeconomic situation. Your support makes these opportunities possible!
Wabash County Honors Band & Choir
Another program is the Honors Band & Choir Concert, which uplifts the musical and artistic talent of high school students in Wabash County. The most talented high school musicians and vocalists are brought together every spring to present a public concert. The experience broadens the
students’ experience and allows them to see how different music leaders work and convey their expectations.
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Call 260.274.1431
Mail a check to 275 W. Market St., Wabash IN 46992
Visit the Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8-5