Planned Giving

Plan your legacy today
Generosity comes in many forms. By making a planned gift, you can establish a lasting legacy and help Honeywell Arts & Entertainment continue to provide the transformative power of arts programming and education for years to come.
Paint a brighter tomorrow with a gift that endures, sustains, and inspires!
Gift through a will or trust
A gift designation through a will or trust costs you nothing during your lifetime. It’s easy to do and easy to change if your situation changes.
Gifts of life insurance
You can make an extraordinary gift by naming Honeywell Arts & Entertainment as a full or partial policy beneficiary and/or owner of an existing policy. Making a gift of life insurance also avoids potential estate taxes if you own the policy on your own life.
Gifts of retirement assets
Unused retirement assets are often subject to double taxation if given to your heirs. However, there is no tax when your unused retirement assets are gifted to a nonprofit charity. Consider leaving your heirs a more favorably taxed asset and naming The Honeywell Foundation as a full or partial beneficiary of your retirement account (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or pension).
Gift annuity
You can transfer cash or appreciated property to Honeywell Arts & Entertainment in exchange for guaranteed fixed payments (based upon your age) to you for life.
Just as Mr. Mark C. Honeywell made provisions for the future of The Honeywell Foundation, the Mark C. Honeywell Society was created in grateful recognition of the committed group of donors who have remembered The Honeywell Foundation with a planned gift and who believe deeply in the vision and mission of The Honeywell Foundation. Members of this special group share the common bond of philanthropy to support The Honeywell Foundation’s vibrant art offerings and to ensure that these offerings are available to our communities for generations to come.
Any planned gift, no matter the size, qualifies you as a Mark C. Honeywell Society member.

Richard Tucker's Story
A Legacy of Community Impact
"My memories of the Honeywell Foundation start as a child when I was active in the Wabash Community Service programs. I had the very good fortune to be involved in the woodworking shop classes; photography instruction and use of the dark room; and working in the ceramics room making art objects, which I proudly presented to my mother....
Kara Fulmer, Planned Giving Officer