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VTS Helps Students Come Alive in the Classroom

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Did you know Honeywell Arts & Entertainment provides thousands of arts-infused educational opportunities for students each year, many of which are right in the classroom? The arts have a proven track record for enhancing education. Just ask our educators!

“I am so impressed with [anonymous student] and how he participated. He typically struggles and he shared multiple times as he was very engaged in the lesson.”

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is one of many programs of Honeywell Arts in Education, which serves students throughout 15 Indiana counties. VTS is a nationally recognized program that uses visual images and facilitated, student-centered discussions to practice the art of drawing inferences and supporting them with evidence. Participating in VTS helps students strengthen their critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and writing skills.

During our first visit to MSD Wabash County schools, one of the teachers noticed an immediate difference in one of her students during VTS activities.

"I am so impressed with [anonymous student] and how he participated," said Mrs. Bretzman, educator at MSD Wabash County schools, "He typically struggles and he shared multiple times as he was very engaged in the lesson."

She went on to share her thoughts with us about why VTS is so effective:

"I think that building a visual memory is very important to both reading and writing. Reading comprehension hinges upon being able to visualize our stories. Many students lack a vast visual memory and therefore struggle with comprehension within reading. What VTS does is help students build a visual memory, in a safe and encouraging environment of sharing. Even those who don't share are exposed to other students' visualizations and thoughts thus increasing everyone's memories.

This then lends itself to writing, because when students can write about what they see and increase their visual memory, their stories become richer, and more imaginative. VTS also encourages writing their thoughts down at the end using their 3 simple questions and this really challenges all students to share, and you see their writing increase along with their observations.

VTS is a great program to promote arts, creativity and growth in students!"

To learn more about VTS and other educational programs of Honeywell Arts & Entertainment, visit

Honeywell Arts in Education is made possible by the support of generous donors. Want to make a difference in your community? Help students learn and grow through the arts - Give Today!

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